Summer Study Registration Opens March 1!
YDS Summer Study will be online this year, June 6-10, 2022. Taught by renowned YDS faculty, Summer Study offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in courses essential to practical church ministry and personal enrichment. Courses will meet Monday – Friday via Zoom. This program is open to the public.
As always, we will have thought-provoking lectures, Marquand Chapel services, workshops and more. This year’s faculty line up includes: John Hare, Laura Nasrallah, Bruce Gordon, John Collins, Omer Bajwa, Allen Hilton, Kate Ott, and more. Find course descriptions, schedule and other details here on March 1.
2022 Upcoming Events and Offerings
Last Day to Register – Talking about Race with Young People with Ahren Samuel, Jennifer A. Guerra Aldana, and Kat Armas March 2; 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern This workshop is for leaders, parents, and church members who want to have conversations about racism and prejudice. Also, for those who want to help young people faithfully explore issues that are important to God and relevant for one of our most racially and ethnically diverse generations yet. Register here. |
Last Chance to Register – Borders and Walls in the New Jerusalem and American History with Dr. Yii-Jan Lin |
Empowering Young People Toward Beloved Community with Rev. Dr. Montaque Williams
April 6; 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern
This presentation will build upon the ethnographic and theological research in Church in Color to highlight practical steps congregations and other organizations can take to resist racism and embrace Beloved Community in the work of youth and young adult ministry. Register here.
Why Churches Innovate and How to Start: Knee Deep in Flotsam with the Rev. Matt Overton and the Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean
Saturday, May 7th, 2022, 9 am – 3:30 pm Eastern (YDS)
We’re all innovators now. Only a year ago, “sustainability” and “innovation” described extracurricular activities for churches – mostly niche projects that had minimal impact on the daily work of ministry. Suddenly, in 2020, innovation is what we all do–ready or not. We’re exhausted and disoriented by this newness, not just because innovation is unfamiliar to us, but because the shackles of normalcy are off, allowing us to hear God in new ways.
Mere months ago, heeding these holy hunches would have been unthinkable. As our institutions, practices, and assumptions about ministry (and ourselves) shed unnecessary weight in order to stay afloat, we’re suddenly a much more nimble church than we were a year ago. We are awash in more possibilities than we can process.
In this lecture, we’ll consider how is 2020 changing how we think about the church—and how it is surfacing new and long-forgotten possibilities for the work God calls us to. Come explore compelling stories of innovation, new tangible experiences from around the church, and the theology that undergirds healthy and passionate praxis in this new frontier! Register here.
YDS Offers Full Tuition Coverage for Demonstrated Need
In 2015, YDS created a strategic plan that made financial assistance for students the school’s top priority. The goal was to provide full-tuition scholarships for all students with demonstrated need by 2022, and Dean Greg Sterling recently announced that this goal has been met. Offer letters to accepted students this spring will include not just full-tuition scholarships for everyone who has demonstrated need, but will also cover the comprehensive fee and the board fee. This aid will also be available to returning YDS students.
YDS IS also establishing 10 social justice scholarships and 10 ministerial leadership scholarships, the latter aimed at helping those interested in pursuing ministerial careers. These will cover full tuition and fees and provide stipends to assist with expenses. If you’ve ever considered pursuing a theological degree but were unable due to the cost, it may be time to take another look! If you’d like additional information, please contact Admissions at or 203-432-5360. If you’d like to make a donation to support this initiative, visit
If you’d like to help support our mission, you can make a donation here. There is joy to be found in practicing generosity. Your gift will enable us to continue to provide the necessary tools and resources that support life changing ministries.