Through lecture, exercises, and discussion we will explore how both biblical and personal stories can become a “thin place” for encountering the Sacred and the depths of our human experience.
Through lecture, exercises, and discussion we will explore how both biblical and personal stories can become a “thin place” for encountering the Sacred and the depths of our human experience.
Corporate worship is the work and the joy of the people of God, and when the body of Christ gathers, we are incomplete without the active presence and meaningful participation of children and youth. What can this engagement look like (feel like, sound like, smell like, taste like) in liturgy, and why does it matter to the formation of people of all ages? Canon Wendy Claire Barrie will lead this webinar exploring the theological whys and practical hows of incorporating children and youth into congregational worship.
The Yale Divinity School Certificate in Youth Ministry Leadership is a nine-month, digital, cohort-based program where participants will learn from select faculty and staff from Yale Divinity School and other leading institutions. The next cohort for this academic and practical primer on the themes relevant to leading resilient, healthy, theologically rooted youth ministries will run from September 2025 – May 2026.
For more information and for the application, go here.