Our podcast, “Chapter, Verse, and Season: A Lectionary Podcast from Yale Bible Study” gives listeners the opportunity to overhear the kinds of conversations that take place in the halls of Yale Divinity School. It is a new avenue for communities, clergy, and laypeople to access the Yale Divinity School faculty’s wide-ranging expertise. New episodes come out every Monday and are about 10 to 15 minutes long.
Listen to the podcast here (chapterverseandseason.org) or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Now Available – The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Light They Shed on Judaism and Christianity
Did you miss the Yale Bible Study sessions on The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Light They Shed on Judaism and Christianity with Dr. John Collins? Watch the videos or listen to the podcasts here.
Experience a YDS Introductory Course!
Ever wonder what it’s like to take a course at YDS? You can now watch the Hebrew Bible Interpretation 1 course lectures with Dr. Joel S. Baden – all for free! Hebrew Bible Interpretation 1 is an introduction to the contents of the Hebrew Bible (Pentateuch and Historical Books) and to the methods of its interpretation. The course focuses on the development of ancient Israelite biblical literature and religion in its historical and cultural context as well as on the theological appropriation of the Hebrew Bible for contemporary communities of faith. Watch Hebrew Bible Interpretation 1 Lectures here.
Mission or Service Trip
Are you thinking about a mission or service trip with your youth this year? Check out our Teambuilding, Mission Trips and Service resources to train your team, get ideas, tools and tips for planning, which can be found here.
New Bible Study
It is a new year. Why not try our Gospel of Luke Bible Study with your entire church? You can discuss the readings on our discussion forum, where you can take notes, post, have discussions and private message others from your church? Go to The Gospel of Luke or for youth go to The Gospel of Luke Bible Study for Youth.
2022 Upcoming Events and Offerings
Limited Spots – Exodus: An Online Bible Study with Dr. Joel S. Baden
January 10, 17, 24, 31, February 7 and 14
8 pm Eastern on Zoom
The Exodus is the central event for the Hebrew Bible, and for Israel’s identity. The episodes that make up this story – the enslavement of Israel, the call of Moses, the plagues, the crossing of the sea, Sinai, the Ten Commandments, the golden calf – are well known, but not always well understood. In these six sessions we will explore the Exodus – historically, literarily, theologically – and think together about where these stories come from, and how they have been used over time and across cultures. Register here.
Upcoming Lunch & Lecture Webinars
Please join us for the YMI 2021-2022 Lunch & Lecture series, Thriving, Not Surviving: Building a Toolkit for a Flourishing Youth Ministry in 2021-2022. Our spring series remains virtual and our presenters will cover topics on race, empowerment, and connecting youth. See information on our upcoming YMI Lunch & Lecture webinars below.
Connecting and Integrating Children’s and Youth Ministry Across the Church with the Rev. Caroline Ainsworth Hughes February 2nd; 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern We will discuss ways to join the programming we do with children to those programs offered to older youth, locate ways to integrate both into the life of the church, and discern where God is moving our ministries as we continue to emerge from the pandemic. Register here. |
Talking about Race with Young People with Ahren Samuel, Jennifer A. Guerra Aldana, and Kat Armas |
Empowering Young People Toward Beloved Community with Rev. Dr. Montaque Williams
April 6th; 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern
This presentation will build upon the ethnographic and theological research in Church in Color to highlight practical steps congregations and other organizations can take to resist racism and embrace Beloved Community in the work of youth and young adult ministry. Register here.
Building a Future for Our Youth: A two-day virtual conference for Youth Leaders
On February 7-8, 2022, the United Church of Christ will offer a virtual conference for 100 youth ministers and leaders to reimagine youth ministry, the UCC’s National Youth Event, and other future events future. We are pleased to announce that the event will be moderated and facilitated by the Yale YMI Director, the Rev. Jill Olds!
Workshops will be offered, on subjects such as trauma-informed youth ministry, cultivating brave space, Our Whole Lives, and reimagining youth ministry programming. Registration can be completed here.
A Day-Long Conference with Dr. Kenda Dean and Rev. Matt Overton
Saturday, May 7th, 2022 – Come explore compelling stories of innovation, new tangible experiences from around the church, and the theology that undergirds healthy and passionate praxis in this new frontier. More information here.
Borders and Walls in the New Jerusalem and American History
March 5th; 9 – 12 pm Eastern – Join Dr. Yii-Jan Lin for an exploration of the use of gates and walls in the Book of Revelation and in American responses to immigration. More information here.
Summer Study
June 6-10 – Registration opens soon. More information here.
If you’d like to help support our mission, you can make a donation here. There is joy to be found in practicing generosity. Your gift will enable us to continue to provide the necessary tools and resources that support life changing ministries.
Connect with Yale Youth Ministry Institute
Connect with the Center for Continuing Education and Yale Bible Study