Mental Health Month
May is Mental Health Month. YMI offers a wealth of resources on the mental health issues most impacting youth today. We also have resources for youth leaders and churches to support youth in navigating these challenges.
Team training modules: Tending to the Mental Health of Adolescents
Last Chance to Register! – Why Ministries Innovate and How to Start: Knee Deep in Flotsam with the Rev. Matt Overton and the Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean
Saturday, May 7th, 2022, 9 am – 3:30 pm Eastern (YDS)
In this in-person seminar, we’ll consider how the events of the past two years are changing how we think about youth ministry—and how it is surfacing new and long-forgotten possibilities for the work to which God calls us. Come explore compelling stories of innovation, new tangible experiences from around the church, and the theology that undergirds healthy and passionate praxis in this new frontier!
Proof of vaccination and masks will be required. $25 per person registration fee includes lunch. If needed, scholarships are available. This seminar is free for current YDS students.
Register at Why Ministries Innovate and How to Start: Knee Deep in Flotsam.
Summer Study – Limited Time Left to Register!
YDS Summer Study offers those interested in theological enrichment the opportunity to take a class with renowned YDS faculty. Classes are small in size, run Monday-Friday, June 6-10, and feature various topics designed to enlighten and educate. Spots are filling up fast so register soon!
Summer Study includes opening and closing services on Monday and Friday and daily community prayer. The Keynote Lecture with Dr. Joel Baden, “How We Teach the Bible – and Why”, will take place on Tuesday, June 7 from 7:30-8:45pm.
Participants receive a YDS Certificate of Completion at the end of the course week. For course descriptions, schedule and registration, go to
Are you looking for inspiration as you prepare your sermon this week? Check out our resources below.
YDS Faculty & Alumni Sermon Collection
This collection of sermons by Yale Divinity School faculty and alumni will enrich your studies and bring you different perspectives on scripture. Sermons are available in manuscript, video or audio format on the Yale Bible Study website here.
Lectionary Readings
Are you looking for resources to assist as you write your sermon? Check out our Lectionary resource, which includes the weekly Common Revised Lectionary readings and corresponding videos featuring YDS faculty. You can find the YBS Lectionary here.
Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast
Have you listened to our podcast, Chapter, Verse, and Season: A Lectionary Podcast? Each week, YDS professors from different disciplines chat about biblical texts from the Revised Common Lectionary. They bring their own interests to the table and hopefully spark new insights into the scripture appointed for the coming Sunday. Listen at
Teambuilding, Mission Trips and Service
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. [Galatians 6:2]
Are you planning a year-end service trip with your youth? Building a sense of community through team building, missions and retreats help youth to broaden their horizons, push their comfort zones, and allow them to participate in ministry in new and exciting ways. By connecting to something larger than themselves, young people, and adult leaders alike engage in the process of holy transformation. Find the resources you need to train your team, plan and prepare here.
Save the Date!
YDS Professor Joel Baden returns for a 6-week online study on Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy beginning September 15 – October 20 at 8:00 pm Eastern. Additional details to follow soon!
If you’d like to help support our mission, you can make a donation here. There is joy to be found in practicing generosity. Your gift will enable us to continue to provide the necessary tools and resources that support life changing ministries.
Connect with Yale Youth Ministry Institute
Connect with the Center for Continuing Education and Yale Bible Study