Context Matters: The Impact of Social Context on Emotional Growth

This presentation will give youth workers, parents and educators a chance to examine the context and environment within which our children are developing socially and emotionally. The goal of this seminar is to offer a framework for understanding the WHY so we can identify the WHAT and HOW when we are working to support youth today. Participants will also be invited to think about how their own context can show up in their interactions with youth and ways to be mindful of those impacts.

Social Media Smarts: Helping Youth Use New Media in Positive Ways for Good Mental & Spiritual Health

This webinar helps youth workers, parents, guardians, grandparents, and mentors of youth to realize they don’t have to be a social media guru to help the youth they love navigate the new media landscape well. Dr. Gorrell will explain how youth are spending their time online (according to them!), the most important possibilities and pressing challenges of new media, and concrete things adults can teach youth (specific do’s and don’ts for their mental well-being and living out their faith as they engage with technology).

Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education: Youth Ministry

Despite ongoing anti-racism efforts in our nation racism continues to flourish. If most Americans align with a faith or tradition that upholds values of justice and equity why are we still “here” in this static space? Join us for three sessions as we answer this question by journeying back to our roots: digging up the racism that is embedded in our existing anti-racism frameworks. Together we will explore decolonizing methods and inventory the historical seeds that continue to sprout as intended: to stunt our growth.

Session 1:
We will explore the ways in which racism is embedded in the anti-racism frameworks consistently […]

Unmasking the Racism in Anti-Racism Education

Despite ongoing anti-racism efforts in our nation, racism continues to flourish. If most Americans align with a faith or tradition that upholds values of justice and equity, why are we still “here” in this static space?

Join us in this webinar as we answer this question by journeying back to our roots: digging up the racism that is embedded in our existing anti-racism frameworks. Together we will explore decolonizing methods, and inventory the historical seeds that continue to sprout as intended: to stunt our growth.

Breaking the Silence About Mental Health Challenges with Children and Teens

Join us for critical conversations about how the current mental health crisis is impacting youth and those serving in youth ministry. National mental health advocate and educator, Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund, author of Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness with Children and Teens, will engaged, guide and inspire us in our time together as we reflect on what we are experiencing in own contexts as relates to the mental health crisis, conversations about what the best brain science is saying about the role of spirituality and mental health, and equipping us to prioritize our own mental health […]

Tending the Adolescent Soul: Offering Hope in an Age of Despair

You are invited to our in-person workshop for story-telling with Mark Yaconelli. The pandemic, climate change disasters, racism, political vitriol, misogyny, the erosion of rights and mass death is taking an overwhelming toll on American families, churches, and communities. Recent studies reveal an unprecedented rate of adolescent depression, anxiety, and loneliness leading to high rates of suicide and substance abuse. How do we minister among young people (and families) who no longer experience God’s peace in the world? How can we develop counter-cultural ministries that offer young people the rest and resiliency of Jesus? In a retreat-like atmosphere, author, youth […]

Teaching Holy Troublemaking: Resources for Progressive Christian Formation

These are holy troublemaking times, and our youth want to grapple with life’s big questions. Catching courage and hope from the stories we tell of beloved saints—both conventional and unconventional—who have faced challenges and managed to stay rooted in joy, justice, and the beloved community is enormously helpful. Stories are how we and the young people in our lives imagine how things could be, and discover what it takes to make positive change.

Join author Daneen Akers and Christian educator Wendy Claire Barrie as they talk about progressive faith formation especially through the lens of the middle-grades anthology […]

Developing Your Praxis for Building Diverse Youth Communities

In this interactive presentation and dialogue, we explore youth identity development from understanding the synergies between holding multiple identities, for example, Black, neurodivergent, LGBTQIA. Geared toward youth leaders, layperson, and youth ministers we develop approaches of how oppression, power, and privilege may operate across systems. The overall goal is to develop approaches of how to create safer spaces for youth in their relationships and community building efforts.

Learning Objectives:

Understand the relationship between oppression, power, and privilege
Review key findings from State of Mental Health of Youth of Color – Aakoma Project
Assess and understand developmental challenges of identity development in today’s social political […]

Church Shoes: Thinking and Rethinking our Steps for Youth Ministry in the Black Church

Have you considered what ministry in the Black Church looks like for youth and young adults today, especially Black girls and children who are queer? How might we wrestle with the ways that churches have supported and failed black children? How might we develop forms of pastoral care that offers redress to the current state of youth ministry?

Through a panel discussion sponsored by Andover Newton Seminary at Yale, the Black Church Studies Program, and the Yale Youth Ministry Institute, Dr. Kishundra King, Ph.D. ’15 M.Div. and Rev. Whitney Baisden-Bond will offer paths, prompts, and prophetic witnesses that students might implement […]

Spiritual Care for Young People in the Climate Crisis

Climate change is creating a spiritual emergency that is hitting generation Z harder than any other. Today’s climate crisis calls people of faith to a communal spiritual practice of care, as we must learn how to offer care that is informed by the spiritual-ecological crisis of their generation. Rev. Aho guides us with her pastoral and chaplain experience to keep young people at the center of our communities and listen to the troubles they have to share.

Slides for the event are here: Spiritual Care for Young People in the Climate Crisis Presentation

Handing Down the Faith: Parents, Congregations, and Religious Socialization

Professor Adamczyk is coauthor of Handing Down the Faith: How Parents Pass Their Religion on to the Next Generation (Oxford, 2021). Drawing on key findings from the book, she will discuss how parents view the role of congregations and how they feel that their own experiences growing up shaped their perspectives on childrearing and religious socialization. Data are taken from several nationally representative surveys and over 200 interviews conducted with parents from different religious backgrounds across the United States. Practical information will be provided on parents’ perspectives (placed within the context of ‘Intensive’ parenting, which has become the norm for […]

Internal Welcome and External Witness: LGBTQ Youth Ministry

Churched youth in the LGBTQ+ community are, in many ways, like all youth: they are passionate, curious, and (we hope and pray) intrigued by the story God’s love. But the road that LGBTQ+ youth have to walk is also different in a few key ways. The Church has, historically, not been welcoming towards this community. The wider community has often followed suit, leaving LGBTQ+ youth with a higher risk for depression, suicide, and other mental health challenges.

And: the unique road that LGBTQ+ youth walk also means that they have so much joy, and so much perspective to offer […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute