Mental Health

Mental Health

Articles and Research (click to view)

Digital Resources for Mental Health at All Ages, at UT Austin Boot Camps
Trevor Project National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health 2020
Mental Health in Adolescents, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Adolescent Mental Health, World Health Organization
Let’s Help Our Youth Change the Way They Look at Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Mental Health Issues on the Rise Among Adolescents, Young Adults, Jaime Rosenberg
What Research Says About How Religion Affects Your Health, Nicole Fisher
The Positive Effects of Religion on Mental Health, Maria Archer
Raising Kids […]

Developing and Implementing a Church Safety Policy

Developing and Implementing a Church Safety Policy

Further Reading (click to view)

Root, Andrew. Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry, (Intervarsity Press, 2007)

What Boundaries Do You Have With Your Youth?, Andrew Noe

Ask Rooted:  How Do You Set and Keep Emotional Boundaries in Youth Ministry?,

Draw The Line: Relational Boundaries for Safe Youth Ministry, Christianity Today

National Resources (click to view)

Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

*Search online by State for specifics to your location.

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse within Youth Serving Organizations, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

Denominational Resources (click to view)

Baptist Conference New England: Safety & Security Resources

Episcopal Church: Safe […]

Participatory Online Worship

Guide to Creating Online Worship Experiences

Are you looking for a guide to creating online participatory worship services? Rev. Dr. Angela W. Gorrell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practical Theology
at Baylor University’s Truett Seminary provides this free resource on her website here.

Envisioning, Building, and Sustaining Thriving Youth Ministries – A Focus on Vision

Teens with Candles Making the Shape of a Fish

Effective Ministry Action Plans, Dr. Marty Cauley

Devries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It. (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008). Chapter 3: Hoping, Wishing and Praying: Beyond the Frantic Search for the Youth Ministry Superstar, p. 40-49; Chapter 4: The Dance Floor, p. 51-56; Chapter 5: Building Right, p. 57-73.

10 Tips for Starting a Sticky Faith Youth Ministry From Scratch, Fuller Youth Institute

16 Ways to Build a Youth Ministry That Will Last,

Youth Ministry and Adolescent Faith Formation,

Deep and Wide Youth Ministry, Greg Stier

Youth Group Lesson […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute