Social Media Smarts: Helping Youth Use New Media in Positive Ways for Good Mental & Spiritual Health

Zoom | November 6 | 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern


This webinar helps youth workers, parents, guardians, grandparents, and mentors of youth to realize they don’t have to be a social media guru to help the youth they love navigate the new media landscape well. Dr. Gorrell will explain how youth are spending their time online (according to them!), the most important possibilities and pressing challenges of new media, and concrete things adults can teach youth (specific do’s and don’ts for their mental well-being and living out their faith as they engage with technology). There will be time for Q&A as […]

Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education: Youth Ministry

Zoom | September 18 – October 2 | 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern | 3 Sessions

Despite ongoing anti-racism efforts in our nation racism continues to flourish. If most Americans align with a faith or tradition that upholds values of justice and equity why are we still “here” in this static space? Join us for three sessions as we answer this question by journeying back to our roots: digging up the racism that is embedded in our existing anti-racism frameworks. Together we will explore decolonizing methods and inventory the historical seeds that continue to sprout as intended: to stunt our growth.


Session 1 […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute