Traditional Forms of Embodied Worship, Yolanda Smith – Video and Discussion Outline
Rev. Dr. Yolanda Smith speaks about traditional forms of embodied worship.
Questions for Discussion:
Does our church use sacred dance, either weekly, or during any season or specific worship service in the church year?
Do we use ecstatic dance, liturgical dance, or ritual dance, or none of the above?
Expanding our understanding of sacred dance a bit: are there kinds of rituals that can become part of a sort of sacred dance, a dance that has been going on since the beginning of the Church? And how might we experience the holy presence of God if we did more of this, if we moved our bodies in different ways during worship? (Examples: experiencing Communion by Intinction; a Palm Sunday parade; a Christmas pageant; folding our hands together in prayer; a ritual of community blessing around baptism; foot-washing; processionals or recessionals, etc.)