Nurturing Relational Bonds, Skip Masback – Video and Discussion Outline
Rev. Skip Masback delivers a lecture on Nuturing Relational Bonds.
Questions for Discussion:
Is relationship the core of our youth ministry? How are we emulating that?
Masback’s premise is that loving leads to having an experience of God. How is our programming allowing for God to break in and reveal to us even more about that kind of love?
Belong, behave, believe. Is that the trajectory for youth (and anyone else) in our church? How are we modeling this?
How are we adults experiencing the holy presence of God as we foster the relational bonds inherent in youth ministry?
Are we fostering these kinds of relationships in our group? What are the challenges of this, particularly as Masback talks about the same people meeting for several hours in order to cohere?
What does fostering these relationships allow us to move towards in ministry, in conversation, in our worship, in mission work, in our programming, etc? What is our “third thing”?
Deep engagement takes a lot of intentionality to get there. Where are we on the group pilgrimage towards deep, abiding love?