Conversations about Race, Challenges, Christopher Carter and Seth Schoen – Video and Discussion Outline
Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter and Dr. Seth Schoen on having conversations about race with youth and the associated challenges.
Questions for a Black or Racially Mixed Youth Group:
What resources will need to be offered to youth as they push against the ideologies of their families of origins and their circle of friends?
When wrapping the choices in theology, is there a disconnect between tearing a child’s world apart and then leaving them in it?
POC parents may count divergent views on theology and racism as disrespect. Many kids are not allowed to disagree or offer their opinions and may have their security removed for it, i.e. being kicked out. As we empower kids to become activists how do we handle the fear of black parents losing their children because they are advocates get addressed? Theology may fall very flat here.
Questions for a Predominately White Youth Group:
Does our experience bear out what Schoen is naming, that youth are looking forward to talking about these conversations, and are ready to be thoughtful about these things? What are the possible fruits we can see growing from these efforts?
How might we wrap some of choices about discussing race through a theological lens, by looking at the life of Christ?
How might we address the concerns that parents might have?
What is the inherent challenge in raising young people’s awareness, only to have them return to a racist home or school community? How can youth in these situations continue to be supported?