Youth ministry is a calling. How do we find the people best suited to lead and minister to our youth? And how do we make sure that they are the right fit for our program in terms of gifts, passion and…availability? Once we’ve built our team, how do we train and support them? The average turnover for a youth group leader is about 2 years, so we must be sure to nurture and value them as they undertake this important ministry.
In this course, we’ll explore recruiting, training and supervising youth workers and volunteers. The course is designed as an interactive exercise and divided in sections. Each will provide an opportunity for you to “prepare, engage and reflect” on each topic. If every section were to be completed, with the group meeting weekly, this course would take five weeks to complete. It is also possible to complete the course in a shorter period of time by combining sections based on your team’s availability. Similarly, this could be expanded, and the focal Scripture passages—merely used here as a discussion starter, and a backdrop for the youth ministry topics— could be used as a jumping off point for a whole Bible study for each gathering. We are hopeful that the person leading this effort will feel free to adapt what is provided to their particular community’s needs.