What’s Happening in July?
We continue to expand the resources and materials on our YMI website. Read more to find out what’s new and how they can support your ministry during this time.
Great News! We now have available another resource for preachers – the Revised Common Lectionary calendar on our YBS website. Each week contains the weekly lectionary, links to the Bible readings, and links to watch the Yale Bible Study corresponding video.
Racial Resilience: Anti-racism as Spiritual Praxis
with the Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter and Dr. Seth Schoen
What to expect: Authentic storytelling and research-based content, and compassionate space for holding uncomfortable truths.
What not to expect: Forced participation, shaming, blame, or judgment, political agendas.
Registration for this webinar is now open at Racial Resilience: Anti-racism as Spiritual Praxis.
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the University of San Diego, a Faith in Food Fellow at Farm Forward, and Assistant Pastor at Pacific Beach UMC. Dr. Seth Schoen is an adjunct professor of Practical Theology at the University of San Diego. Read more on The Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter here and on Dr. Seth Schoen here.
A YMI Seminar on Racial Resilience
with the Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter and Dr. Seth Schoen
Zoom | August 5th – October 14th | 12 – 1:30 pm EST | 6 Sessions
Join Christopher Carter and Seth Schoen for a six-part seminar designed to guide participants through the Racial Resilience anti-racism training with the primary goal of becoming an anti-racist member of society. Addressing structural racism within the US in general and churches in particular requires an analysis of the theo-cultural ideologies that normalize/moralize racism and the development of tools/capacities that enable human beings to undermine these false ideologies. This seminar equips participants with the necessary tools to 1) be able to identify internalized, interpersonal, and structural racism, and 2) attend to the inner stirrings of their conscience (i.e. culturally racist ideologies) that have historically led people (especially white people) to the false conclusion that there is another plausible explanation to what they are witnessing other than what it appears to be – racism, and 3) discern how they might engage in theologically grounded compassionate anti-racism action(s) with youth.
The six sessions will occur on August 5, August 19, September 2, September 16, September 30, and October 14.
Registration for this webinar is now open at A YMI Seminar on Racial Resilience.
Now available is a new book resource titled, “Joy: A Guide for Youth Ministry,” by David F. White and Sarah F. Farmer, general editors with a foreward by Miroslav Volf. This “who’s who in youth ministry” focuses on practices that enhance joy by pointing to the contingency of human life and our participation with God’s redemption work for all creation. At the root, a Christian life is ordered by worship and practices that recognize, celebrate, and respond in joy in light of humanity’s contingency and God’s gratuitous liberation of all creation.
To purchase this book to Amazon or Cokesbury.
Now Available – Two Bible Studies for Youth
We now have two Bible studies for use with youth. Reading the Bible with Youth is a two-week study that introduces youth to the Bible, gives them an overview of how it came together, and is a great way to introduce youth to Bible study in the new program year. Start with lesson 1 at the Reading the Bible with Youth – Lesson 1.
The Gospel of Luke is an 8-week study based on the Yale Bible Study Gospel of Luke created by David Bartlett and Harry Attridge. Start with the Introduction to Leaders at the Gospel of Luke Bible Study and then work through the series with your youth.
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