Pastoral Care Fundamentals
Just what is pastoral care? Providing spiritual and emotional care for youth and for their families is a major part of a youth leader’s job, but many youth workers don’t have specific training in this area. How do you have a pastoral conversation with youth group members and/or their families? Active listening skills can enhance your ability to care for youth and the stories they share. We will also consider questions about referral: how do you know when to speak to a pastor or recommend the assistance of a health care professional
Youth Ministry in an Era of Over-Parenting
Youth workers know what it is to watch parents and youth participate in multiple other activities. Most families have limited time and space for youth ministry activities or youth group. Often parent(s) (and youth) express desire to participate, but say they have no time. A parent might even say, “Sorry, we haven’t gotten her to youth group in the last six months, it’s just that gymnastics is kind of her thing; it’s really who she is.” This can be frustrating for youth workers. Some respond by contending that youth ministry needs to up the commitment level and move higher up […]
Kids Need More than Each Other and a Pied Piper
Dr. Roland Martinson delivers a lecture entitled, “Kids Need More than Each Other and a Pied Piper.” At its best, youth ministry develops generative, intergenerational Christ communities that cultivate transformative faith and life in each other and make a difference in God’s beloved world. How do you create intergenerational practices that work? We’ll explore together how to bridge the generational divide in our ministry to our youth.
Beyond Soup Kitchens and Sardines
Dr. Rodger Nishioka delivers a lecture entitled, “Beyond Soup Kitchens and Sardines.” Ultimately, ministry with young people must be about more than sporadic service projects and playing games. Ultimately, ministry with young people must be about enacting theology – the actual on the ground, lived experience that embodies what we believe about the nature of God and God’s call to human beings. We will explore ways that congregations are responding to God’s call on the lives of young people and the adults who journey with them.
Youth’s Questions, Faith’s Stories, Christ’s Claims
Dr. Roland Martinson delivers a lecture entitled, “Youth’s Questions, Faith’s Stories, Christ’s Claims.” Adolescence and emerging adulthood are periods in the human journey when existential questions are at the center of the day to day interactions and the unfolding, developing self and community. We will examine the intersections of those vital questions with the work of God in Jesus Christ and these encounters of God and humans as fruitful material for generating faith as well as effective Christian witness and apologetics.
Youth and Human Flourishing
Dr. Miroslav Volf delivers a lecture entitled, “Youth and Human Flourishing.” Among other things but centrally, the Christian faith is about human flourishing, flourishing of human beings as God’s creatures in a complex world. What does it mean to flourish? What are some of the forces at work in contemporary culture that undermine human flourishing? How do we counter these trends in our ministry to our youth? These are some of the questions we will explore together.
Project Next Generation: Creating a Nurturing Community Space for Youth
Rev. Bill Mathis delivers a lecture entitled, “Project next Generation: Creating a Nurturing Community Space for Youth” as part of YMI’s series, Youth Ministry in a Modern Age.
Sunday School… What is that? Youth Department… Where is that? Youth Ministry… When does that happen? Youth Engagement… How can we when they are not here? The church has reached a critical mass of departure of those who were once considered “the church of tomorrow.” This leaves a void that is glaring yet ignored when we do what we have always done and/or by our willing disconnection from the realities of the present […]
Rev. Skip Masback on Transformative Retreats and Pilgrimages
Rev. Skip Masback presents a lecture on Creating Transformative Retreats and Pilgrimages for youth. This lecture was part of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute’s monthly Lunch & Lecture Series held in Fall 2019 at Yale Divinity School.
The Courage to Hope: Empowering Adolescent Joy Amidst the Challenges of Life
Dr. Anne E. Streaty Wimberly and Dr. Sarah F. Farmer deliver a lecture entitled, “The Courage to Hope: Empowering Adolescent Joy Amidst the Challenges of Life.” They speak on Hope: grounding a sense of the possibility and reality of joy and flourishing in the midst of the challenges of this life, as well as in the life to come.
Relational Communities of Flourishing
Dr. Sarah Farmer, Dr. Nadja Reilly and Ms. Kate Hyde lecture on “Finding Joy Together: Relational Communities of Flourishing,” and in conversation following the lecture. This lecture was part of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute’s monthly Lunch & Lecture Series held in Spring 2019 at Yale Divinity School.
Leadership and Role Models
Dr. Matt Croasum in conversation with Rev. Aracelis Vazquez-Haye on Leadership and Role Models following his lecture, “What’s Worth Wanting?” This lecture was part of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute’s monthly Lunch & Lecture Series held in Spring 2019 at Yale Divinity School.
Developing Congregational Support
Rev. Keith King on, “Developing Congregational Support” as part of YMI’s annual Summer Symposium at Yale Divinity School. This lecture was delivered in June 2015 as part of the series, Planting Seeds of Hope & Joy: Best Practices for Starting, Nurturing, and Growing Transformative Ministries with Youth.