Recruiting, Training and Supervising Youth Workers and Volunteers

Articles and Research (click to view)

Devries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It. (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008). Chapter 3: Hoping, Wishing and Praying, p. 40.

Are You Called to Youth Ministry?, Dean Borgman

Attracting Volunteers and Staff (click to view)

DeVries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Does Last and What Your Church Can Do About It. (Downers Group: IVP, 2008). Chapter 7: Searching Right, p. 90.

Jones, Karen; Rahn, Dave and Strommen, Merton. Youth Ministry That Transforms. (Zondervan, 2001). Chapter 4: Focusing on Three Top Ministry Priorities, p. 135.

Five Ways to […]

Studying the Bible with Youth

Studying the Bible with Youth

Articles and Research (click to view)

Why is Teaching the Bible to Youth Important?,

How to Teach the Bible: For Beginners,

Is the Bible Still Relevant Today?, The International Bible Society

Is the Bible Still Relevant?, Creig Marlowe

How to Engage Young People with the Bible, Carey Lodge

Storytelling (click to view)

The Power of Storytelling to Foster Understanding, Jessica Pierson Russo

3 Ways to Engage Youth in Storytelling, Melinda Barbosa

Studying the Bible with Youth Training Module (click to view)

Spiritual Practices in Youth Ministry

Spiritual Practices in Youth Ministry

Articles and Research (click to view)

Why Be Spiritual? Five Benefits of Spirituality, Ryan T. Howell, PhD

The Top 10 Benefits of Spiritual Practice, Maggie Lyon

Spirituality as a Positive Youth Development Construct: A Conceptual Review, Daniel T.L Shek

Best Practices in Adolescent Faith Formation, John Roberto

Spiritual Practices for Children and Youth, Debbie Kolacki

Resources for Spirituality in Youth Ministry,  Evin Carvill Ziemer and Shannon Harper

Prayer (click to view)

Praying for Others – 10 Creative Ways to Help Young People Pray,

5 Ways to Teach Your Teens to Pray, Greg Stier

Creativity (click to view)

Abbott, Chad, compiler.  Sacred Habits: The Rise of […]

Offering Effective Pastoral Care

The Jesus Prayer

Articles and Research (click to view)

Reaching Youth Today, Sr. Brenda Walsh

Top 10 Issues Facing Our Youth Today, Lee Standberry

Top 10 Social Issues Teens Struggle with Today, Amy Morin

The Role of the Youth Minister (click to view)

Clinebell, Howard. Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counseling: Resources for the Ministry of Healing and Growth  (Abingdon Press, 1984)

The Art of Listening (click to view)

The Importance of Active Listening, Patricia Mulvania

The Importance of Listening Well to Young People, Signe Whitson


Caring for Families (click to view)

Pastoral Care and Counseling to Help Families Heal, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

10 Tips for Becoming a […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute