In the first six months of 2020, today’s children and youth have lived through so many soul-provoking experiences. With the advent of COVID-19 illness and death, quarantines, school closures, summers on hold, graphic depictions of violence, the prospect of not going back to school or going back in a socially distanced fashion, and difficult imagery and discussion around issues of race and justice, youth have a lot of questions—and some even have deep concerns and fears. Add this to the daily, already complex lives of many youth in this country and the resultant mixture cries out for a resilient response for both them and those who work with them.
This webinar will highlight various strategies for promoting resilience in, for and among today’s generations of youth. It will be presented in two parts.
PART 1: Through a combination of academic, scientific and theological theories and studies, Jannah Scott will share information on:
- What resilience is from both theoretical and practical perspectives
- How resilience is weakened through adverse childhood experiences
- How resilience can be strengthened
- Physical – Natural methods
- Mental, emotional methods
- Spiritual methods
- Highlights of promising practices in building resilience with youth
PART 2: Through a series of case studies and interactive exercises, Jannah Scott will:
- Reinforce the importance of the connection between mind, body and spirit in strengthening (or adversely weakening) resilience.
- Invited participants to join one of 2-3 breakout rooms to think together, discuss and model resilience interventions based on what they have learned about resilience, with application to various “composite” youth profiles.
- Reconvene the group for brief share-outs of the models developed and questions/discussion sessions.
The video and clips from this event are here: Just Breathe: Resilience Strategies for Today’s Youth & Youth Workers.
Slides from this event are here: Just Breathe: Resilience Strategies for Today’s Youth & Youth Workers