October Resources
We recognize that fall is a busy season. October is LGBTQ+ History month, Church Safety and Security month, and Emotional Wellness month. In the midst of busyness, take time to find resources for ministry to your youth here:
LGBTQ+ History Month
- Ministry to LGBTQ+ Youth
- Accompanying LGBTQ+ Youth Curriculum
- Resources for Ministering to LGBTQ+ Youth
- Internal Welcome and External Witness: LGBTQ Youth Ministry Video
- A Journey with LGBTQ+ and Immigrant Youth Video
Emotional Wellness Month
- Pastoral Care and Mental Health
- Curriculum on cultivating resilience, well-being, and authentic happiness in youth
- The Storm Isn’t Over Video
- The Science of Well-Being Video
Church Safety and Security Month
- Vision, Training, and Safety
- Developing and Implementing a Church Safety Policy
- Curriculum on promulgating and implementing church safety guidelines
From the YMI Director: How often do you let your youth take the lead?
I have a question for all of you to ponder this month. How often do you let your youth take the lead?
In asking this question, I don’t just mean, “How often do you let them lead a discussion or conversation?” (Though that’s important too.) No, I’m actually curious to know how often you let the young people in your life take the reins, with you completely at their mercy?
Handing Down the Faith: Parents, Congregations and Religious Socialization Zoom | October 4 | 12 – 1:30 pm Eastern Join Dr. Amy Adamczyk, coauthor of Handing Down the Faith: How Parents Pass Their Religion on to the Next Generation (Oxford, 2021) for a webinar that will explore how parents view the role of congregations in faith formation for children and youth and how churches can respond to parent’s needs. Register at: Handing Down the Faith |
Spiritual Care for Young People in the Climate Crisis with Rev. Talitha Amadea Aho Register at: Spiritual Care for Young People in the Climate Crisis |
Leadership & Hybrid Ministry in the New Media Landscape with the Rev. Dr. Angela Gorrell Dr. Gorrell will also offer an immersive 4-part course on this topic in January. More information to come. Register at: Leadership & Hybrid Ministry |
Save the Date: Casting the Pageant: Meeting the Characters of Christmas with the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton Register at: Casting the Pageant |
The Leader’s Way Podcast
Join Berkeley Divinity School at Yale on an audio pilgrimage, where they reflect on what matters most in life. The Leader’s Way podcast convenes inspiring conversation at the intersection of spirituality, innovation, leadership, and transformation. Episodes 1-4 can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, and new episodes drop every other Monday at The Leader’s Way Podcast.
And don’t forget, if you’re looking for insights on the upcoming Revised Common Lectionary texts, listen to Chapter, Verse, and Season: A Lectionary Podcast from Yale Bible Study each week at Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast.
Innovation on the Daring Way: A Pathway for Brave Ministry with the Rev’d Dr. Hillary Raining:
October 9, 16, 23, & 30, 10am – Noon Eastern Time, Online
Ministry in modern settings requires bold leadership and innovation. Yet, all too often, we are held back by shame, fear of vulnerability, or worry about failure. This course will give participants tools to break free from those blocks using a model called “The Daring Way,™” a psycho-educational course based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown.
Register at: Innovation on the Daring Way
Living the Holy Trinity: A Contemplative Perspective with Dr. Robert Jonas
November 6, 13, 20, & 27, 10 am – Noon Eastern Time, Online
This course will cast a clear, fresh light on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. It will offer down-to-earth spiritual practices to deepen your connection to God in daily life. Jonas follows a trail of scriptural stories and the teachings of ancient Christian mystics to explore the possibility that we can discover the mind (Greek: nous) of Christ.
Register at: Living the Holy Trinity
If you’d like to help support our mission, you can make a donation here. There is joy to be found in practicing generosity. Your gift will enable us to continue to provide the necessary tools and resources that support life changing ministries. |
Connect with Yale Youth Ministry Institute
Connect with the Center for Continuing Education and Yale Bible Study