Fostering Vocational Discernment

Quest for Life

Articles and Research (click to view)

Vocation of the Young, Vocation to the Young, Christine Housel

What I Learned from Discerning My Vocation, Caitlin Sica

The Vocation of Youth, Michael Baizerman and Ross Velure Roholt

White, David F. Practicing Discernment with Youth: A Transformative Youth Ministry Approach. (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2005). Chapter 1 “The social construction of adolescence and the vocation of youth: a theological vision for youth ministry,” 13-34.

Discernment (click to view)

How Do I Help My Kids Find Their Calling?, Brad M. Griffin

The 2002 Princeton Lectures on Youth, Church and Culture, Princeton Theological Seminary

3 Ways to Help Your Students […]

Integrating Youth into the Wider Congregation

Integrating Youth into the Wider Congregation

Articles and Research (click to view)

The Role of Children in Jesus’ Time, Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld

What Do Young People Really Want in a Church?, Jake Mulder

Why Your Youth Group Needs Generational Integration, Dave Wright

5 Reasons Youth Ministry is Important to the Church Today, Karen Schlabach

Advice for Senior Ministers (click to view)

3 Ways a Senior Pastor Can Champion Youth Ministry, Chelsea Kingston Erickson

Why It’s Urgent for the Church to Take Youth Ministry and Teens Seriously, Greg Stier

What To Do If Your Pastor is Not On board With Your Youth Ministry, Greg Stier

Intergenerational Ministry (click to view)

Powell, Kara, Mulder, […]

Cultivating Worshipful Youth

white candles on brown wooden table

Articles and Research (click to view)

What is Worship?, Fred Bittner

What Does it Mean to ‘Worship’ as a Christian?,  Sarah Hartland

6 Essential Reasons Why Worship Matters, Philip Wagner

All Things New: The Role of Worship in Youth Ministry,  Brandon Metcalf

Worship Spaces (click to view)

Worship Wars: Traditional vs. Contemporary Worship,

Designing Worship Spaces with Millennials in Mind,

Effective Student Spaces: 3 Tried-and-True Design Elements,

Music (click to view)

The Theology and Place of Music in Worship,

Different Types of Christian Music: A Look at the Genres,

How to Choose Worship Songs: 25 […]

Student Leadership

Student Leadership

Articles and Research (click to view)

The Importance of Student Leadership, Kevin Nelson

Student Leadership Hit or Miss?, Dave Sippel

How to Develop Student Leaders, Doug Fields

How to Help Your Teen Find Their Purpose in Life,

Cultivating and Training Leaders (click to view)

DeVries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry. (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008). Chapter 11: The Magnet Effect, p. 165.

Brown, Brene. Dare to Lead. (Random House: New York, NY, 2018)

Jones, Karen; Rahn, Dave and Strommen, Merton. Youth Ministry that Transforms. (Zandervan, 2001) Chapter 11: Gaining Broad Support: Shared Ownership, p. 295.

How to Develop Leadership in Your Youth Ministry, Karen Whiting

Youth Doing Ministry: Four Big Ideas […]

Developing Trusted Relationships and Nurturing Communities

Ideas for Gathering Youth Remotely

Articles and Research (click to view)

What Do Young People Really Want in a Church?, Fuller Youth Institute

A Study of Best Practices in Youth Engagement and Leadership Development,

Trusting and Nurturing Relationships (click to view)

The Role of Trusted Adults in Young People’s Social and Economic Lives, Ariella Meltzer, Kristy Muir, and Lyn Craig

How Can We Nurture Our Teens?, Elana Premak Sandler, Psychology Today, May 6, 2015

Healthy Relationships in Adolescence,

Community (click to view)

Community is Everything: How to Build Your Tribe, Miki Agrawal

Building Relationship with Middle School Students, David Bond

Love, Acceptance and Grace (click to view)

The […]

Envisioning, Building and Sustaining Thriving Youth Ministries

Envisioning, Building and Sustaining Thriving Youth Ministries

Articles and Research (click to view)

Martinson, Roland; Black, Wes, and Roberto, John. The Spirit and Culture of Youth Ministry: Leading Congregations Toward Exemplary Youth Ministry, (EYM Publishing, 2010). Chapter 1, Youth of Vital Christian Faith, 25-48.

The Priorities, Challenges and Trends in Youth Ministry, The Barna Group

Is ‘Youth Ministry’ in the Bible?, Fuller Youth Institute

Study: Faith Practices Have Powerful Benefits for Teens, Stephanie Martin

A Vision on Youth Ministry, Orthodox Church in America

Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Data Summary and Trends Report 2007-2017, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Youth Online, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Thriving Youth […]

Ideas for Gathering Youth Online

Gathering Youth Online

As a youth group leader, you may be wondering about how to continue to gather your youth group when we must stay physically separated. There are a lot of creative and wonderful ideas that youth leaders are sharing online. Here are just a few ideas from YMI:

Keep your regular weekly meeting time via Google Hangout, Zoom or similar. Sample format follows:
A. Opening Prayer
B. Check-in with everyone
C. Activity (following are some ideas)

Show and Tell (have everyone find something that means a lot (or the most unusual thing in their house) and show it off and […]

Recruiting, Training and Supervising Youth Workers

Quest for Life

Further Readings and Articles (click to view)

Devries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It. (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008). Chapter 3: Hoping, Wishing and Praying, p. 40.

DeVries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Does Last and What Your Church Can Do About It. (Downers Group: IVP, 2008). Chapter 7: Searching Right, p. 90.

DeVries, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It. (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008). Chapter 8: Aligning the Heart, p. 107.

Jones, Karen; Rahn, Dave and Strommen, Merton. Youth Ministry That Transforms. (Zondervan, 2001). Chapter 4: Focusing […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute