Orientation Book for Youth Workers

Orientation Book for Youth Workers

Sample Orientation Book for Youth Workers and Volunteers

Mission Statement

We gather in the hope of creating a Christian community where youth can come to know that they are loved and learn to love themselves and others.  YG strives to be a sanctuary where youth are free to be themselves and embrace the knowledge that they are created by God.  We recognize and appreciate that all people are created differently.  As God’s love is unconditional for all beings we seek to be vessels of that all encompassing love and nurture each person’s unique gifts and talents.  Through service and fellowship we aspire […]

Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising Ideas

Mission Trip-Retreat Fundraising Ideas

Music/theater performances
Clothing rummage sales/swaps
Yard sales
Ministries tree
Partnering with local restaurants
Grocery gift cards
Partnering with interstate rest stops to offer “free” coffee and donuts
Local lawn clean-up
Fall/Christmas fairs
Christmas card list
Themed dinner events- folks agree to host a themed party, tickets are auctioned off
“UnFUNdraiser” (donating what you would have spent to make the fundraiser happen)
Connecting up with local sports stadiums
Silent auctions—goods donated by local businesses


Yale Youth Ministry Institute