Advisor-Leader Handbook

Advisor-Leader Handbook

Advisor-Team Leader Handbook

(c) The Congregational Church of New Canaan

YG Mission Statement

Our Mission:

We will foster a community in which our youth may experience and share the love of God. Our community is inclusive of all youth, of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientation or gender expression.

Our Beliefs:

We believe that the way of Christ offers our youth a life that is abundant, flourishing and everlasting.

We believe that flourishing life is best nurtured in a community marked by love, covenant and participation.

Love: A community in which all our youth, wherever they are on life’s path, are unconditionally loved and accepted as they are.
Covenant: A […]

Mission Trip 10 Commandments

Mission Trip 10 Commandments


for the [Retreat/Mission Trip]

Thou Shalt Think as “We” Not “I”
Thou Shalt Be With Thy Buddy At All Times
Thou Shalt Not Leave the Group and Shall be at Events on Time
Thou Shalt be Open to New Experiences and Ways of Thinking
Thou Shall Respect the Observances and Traditions of Those We Serve
Thou Shalt Not Bring Thy Cell Phone
Thou Shalt Report Any Injury or Sickness Immediately to an Adult Advisor
Thou Shall Not Puff a Weed of any Kind Nor Space Out on any Pills or Drink During the Mission Trip
Thou Shalt Not Trespass on Thy Neighbor’s Body, Privacy or Self-Esteem.
Thou […]

Mission Trip Invitation Letter to Parents and Youth

Important Information for Parents

Sample Trip Invitation Letter to Parents and Youth

Dear Parents and Mission Fish,

On [Date], our youth group will journey to [location] for our annual year-end mission trip.  We will depart on [insert date] and will return on [insert date].  Sample description: During our Monday through Friday work week, we will be working on one of three projects:  painting and restoring a church, building a basketball court next to the church or making renovations on low-income housing for those in need.  In our spare time, we will explore [location], meditate on the beach enjoying sunrises and sunsets, and take time to have […]

Mission Trip-Retreat Site Visit Checklist

Mission Trip Detailed Work Plan

Site Visit Checklist – What to Look For

General Partner Questions

If an existing program, what is their typical schedule and how open are they to personalizing for our group?
Do they require an orientation?
When can we arrive/need to depart?
Who will be involved with us during the week?
What do we need to understand about the community/communicate to our kids to set expectations and rules?

Work Projects

How many possible projects?
What is the scope of work?
Is there enough work to keep a team busy for the week?
Do we need to bring our contractors?
Do they have a system in place for materials/supplies or do we have to […]

Youth Group Fall Schedule

Youth Group Fall Schedule

Sample Fall Schedule for Youth Group

All events are Sundays from 7:00-8:30pm unless otherwise noted

August 17th-18th        Senior Leadership Retreat

September 5th            Veterans Reunion

September 8th            Kick-Off Beach Day! (3:00-6:00)

September 15th          YG Prologue: YG Movies and Games

September 22nd         9th Annual Chinese Night!

September 29th          Bake-Off for World Hunger and Senior Dinner

October 6th                 Quest night

October 15th               Drum Circle

*October 20th             Senior Commissioning (9:30am) and […]

Youth Group Handbook

Youth Group Handbook

Sample Youth Group Handbook

© The Congregational Church of New Canaan

 Table of Contents

Youth Ministers

Mission Statement and Beacons

Youth Group (YG)

What is YG?
General Information
Mission Trip
2010-2011 Calendar of Events

Middle School Youth Group (MSYG)

What is MSYG?
General Information
Mountainside Mission Trip
2010-2011 Calendar of Events

Junior Youth Group (JYG)

What is JYG?
General Information
2010-2011 Calendar of Events


What is Guppies?
General Information
2010-2011 Calendar of Events

Mission Statement

We gather in the hope of creating a Christian community where youth can come to know that they are loved while learning to love themselves and others.  The youth groups strive to be a sanctuary where youth are free to be themselves and embrace the knowledge that we […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute