Understanding Racism


Articles (click to view):

158 Resources to Understand Racism in America, by Meilan Solly
What Is Juneteenth?, by Eleanore Park
Police brutality against black people affects minds of white kids too, by Dr. Carmen Parker
Talking About Race, at the National Museum of African American History & Culture
It’s never too early to talk to children about race, by Brita Belli
Race Talk: Engaging Young People in Conversations About Race and Racism, at the Anti-Defamation League
Read, Watch, Listen and Learn: A curated collection on combating racism and advancing equality, at Yale Alumni
Helping young people grieve and take action, by […]

Church Safety Best Practices During COVID-19

Church Safety Best Practices During COVID-19

Church Safety Best Practices when Working with Youth During a Pandemic

By Rev. Jill Olds, YMI Director


In this season, where COVID-19 compels congregations to gather virtually, many adults are wondering what that looks like for youth ministry. What boundaries are appropriate? The Yale Youth Ministry Institute has compiled these recommendations, for your consideration as you develop your own policy of church safety practices for virtual gatherings. (Note: While the advice below attempts to be universally applicable across all settings, it is highly encouraged that leaders be informed of their insurance provider’s recommendations and policies.)


1. Remote gatherings with youth should be advertised […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute