Ministering for Racial Justice, Peace, and Reconciliation

Ministering for Racial Justice, Peace, and Reconciliation

Lectures and Interviews: (click to view)

Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African American Young Men, Professor Gregory C. Ellison, II (Emory University Candler School of Theology)
The Elephant in the Room: Conversations About Race with Youth, Dr. Evelyn Parker (Perkins School of Theology at SMU)
Fearless Communities, Professor Gregory C. Ellison, II and Ms. Georgette Ledgister (Emory University Chandler School of Theology)
Young, Active and Faithful: Exploring Joy and Agency in Adolescence, Dr. Almeda Wright, Yale Divinity School and Rev. Nyle Fort (Princeton University)
Facilitating Conversations About Race, Professors Frank Rogers and Seth Schoen (Claremont School of Theology), and […]

What’s Next?

Ministering to Youth During COVID-19

Articles and Writings: (click to view)

Caught Between Anxiety and Anger, by Sarai Rice, Congregational Consulting Group
What Your Church Must Know Before Reopening Your Building, by Aaron Earls
24 Questions Your Church Should Answer Before You Return, by Ken Braddy
24 More Questions The Church Should Ask Before People Return, by Ken Braddy
Distributed Church and the New Normal of a Pandemic World, by Michael Adam Beck
Dealing with the ‘new normal’. Creating places of sanctuary, community and hope for children and young people in schools and local organizations, at
CDC Initiatives and Activities Supporting the COVID-19 Response […]

Theological Reflections

Quest for Truth

General Resources: (click to view)

Dis-aster, by Sarah Drummond
Dis-rupt, by Sarah Drummond
…And I Feel Fine, by Sarah Drummond
Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel, by Earl Johnson
FAITH MATTERS: Take Courage, by the Rev. Dr. Maria LaSala
The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing, by Casey Cep
Inside!, by Silvia Gosnell
Preventive Medicine, by Sarah Drummond
How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?, by Revd Dr. Gabrielle Thomas
Yale Divinity School Faculty Panel on COVID-19 ethic issues

Creating a Virtual Mission Trip, Service or Camp Experience

Leading Transformative Service Days and Mission Trips

Virtual Mission Trip Resources, by Andrew Wicks
9 Places to Volunteer Online (And Make a Real Difference), by Jackie Menjivar
Virtual Volunteer Opportunities You Can Do From Home, by Noelle Buhidar
2020 Virtual Camp Listings, from American Camp Association

Service Project Examples:

Match members of your youth group with elders in the church. Have write cards or letters to elders to begin their “pen pal” relationship.
Contact your local food pantry or shelter to find out which items are most needed. Hold a virtual “scavenger hunt” with your youth to find these items in their kitchens at home. Make a drop box […]

Pastoral Care

Quest for Life

General Resources: (click to view)

Compiled Resources on Offering Effective Pastoral Care
Offering Effective Pastoral Care
YMI Pastoral Care Video Playlist
Building Pastoral Capacity for Pandemics, at Unitarian Universalist Association
Multigenerational Pastoral Care, at Unitarian Universalist Association
Doing youth ministry during a pandemic, by Steven Argue, Ph.D
Can Social Distancing Reinvent Youth Ministry?, by Kara Powell
Domestic violence, mental health issues heighten in pandemic; pastors, churches can respond, by Hans Holznagel
Pastoral Self-Care in Isolating Times, by Ivan L. Williams
10 Guidelines for Pastoral Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak, by Eileen R. Campbell-Reed
Finding joy in a time of suffering: Interview […]

Spiritual Practices

Ministering to Youth during COVID-19

General Resources: (click to view)

Compiled Spiritual Practices Resources
YMI Spiritual Practices Video Playlist
Spiritual Practices in Youth Ministry
Staying Grounded, Connected and Directed through Disruption, Dr. by Pam King
Congregational Resources in Response to COVID-19, at Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
Free Resources for the Church During COVID-19, at
The Paperless Hymnal Free Songs, at The Paperless Hymnal

Meditation: (click to view)

YMI Meditation Video Playlist
Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress, at Mayo Clinic
Mindfulness meditation may ease anxiety, mental stress, by Julie Corliss
The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for Teens, by Julie K. Jones, Ph.D.

Mental Health

Tending to the Mental Health of Adolescents

Shifting to a Post-Pandemic Time: (click to view)

Four Things Teens Should Keep Doing Post-Pandemic, by Elyse Salek
The pandemic is threatening our children’s ability to cope, by Joan Steinberg and Harold S. Koplewicz
Here’s how to help your kids break out of their pandemic bubble and transition back to being with others, at The Conversation
Prepare your kids mentally for the transition back to school, by Dr. Neha Chaudhary CNN
Teenagers and Back to School Stress, by Caroline Miller

Managing the Holidays (click to view)

Holidays During the Pandemic, by Caroline Miller
5 Things That Will Make You Happier, by Laurie […]

Gathering Your Youth

Ideas for Gathering in-Person:

Compiled Recommendations for Gathering Youth In-Person
YMI Quest Curriculum
Four Major Event Ideas for Children and Youth Ministry, at Ministry Architects

Things to Think About Before Gathering In-Person:

24 Questions Your Church Should Answer Before You Return, by Ken Braddy
24 More Questions The Church Should Ask Before People Return, by Ken Braddy
What do group gatherings look like now? Expert shares 4 general rules to follow, at Today
Teenagers and Reopening, by Rae Jacobson at Child Mind Institute
How to have your friends over this summer – safely, at Today
Faith Formation: Phasing Forward, by Southern […]

Scripture of Reassurance

Quest for Life

Scripture of Reassurance in a Time of Fear or Anxiety

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”  ~ Psalm 56:3
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:6-7
 Peace […]

Yale Youth Ministry Institute